Have you crashed your heli and are not sure how to repair it? Perhaps you just don’t have the time to do the repair yourself. Either way we can help. At a cost of £45 / hour you can either watch Dave do the repair (again, you will learn more this way) or you can drop it off with us to complete.

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- Have you just built your first heli & would like a professional to check it out before you fly?
- Or bought a 2nd hand model and are not sure what to do next?
- Or have you repaired your crashed heli and are not sure if you’ve missed
something or if you’ve repaired it correctly? - Has your heli been in mothballs for a while and you want it checked over
before you give it an airing at the local flying field?
If any of the above apply to you, then we can help. Our check-over & set-up service is charged at £45 / hour. You can sit in for this if you wish at no extra charge or if you are pushed for time, you can drop your heli off to be completed.
To book your model in, just give us a call on 0208 841 6781 or email julie@flyinfish.co.uk .